Casual To Serious Relationship Reddit

admin  6/14/2022

Casual to Committed Tip #2: Remove Sex from the Equation. This man will never get the clue that you’re looking to change your relationship status if you continue giving him sex any time he wants it. So take the initiative: invite him to go out with you and your friends. Or to go for a walk. Have lunch together. Make sure that you really want it. Do you think that you want a serious relationship with this. A broken relationship, regardless of the type, can have detrimental effects on your self-esteem and ability to trust others. Emotional and Physical Intimacy. Regardless, of whether you are in a committed relationship or a “casual dating” relationship, there is a good chance you are or will be having sex. Casual means the people involve want to indefinitely maintain a level of distance and independence. You can have casual, exclusive relationships, it just means you aren't on the relationship escalator - what you have from the get-go is basically all you ever want it to be. Serious means they want steadily escalating engagement and entanglement.

So you are dating a terrific person – should you try to progress from casual dating to a committed relationship or “just leave it alone?” In this day and age, is there really a difference between casual dating and a committed relationship? Well, in today’s society, a romantic relationship is often characterized by a “title.” In other words, the “seriousness” of a relationship is based on whether the individuals are casual dating” or “in a committed relationship.” Most of the time, “casual dating,” also known as “friends with benefits” suggests that the relationship is not very serious.

In a “casual dating” situation you may be dating multiple people are you may be concentrating on the person you are “casually dating.” You may see each other occasionally (i.e. weekends or every couple of weeks) or you may see each other every day or the majority of the week. Moreover, “casual dating” may or may not include sex. The exact definition and “rules” of “casual dating” depend on you and your partner and is based on your wants, needs and expectations. Conversely, a committed relationship suggests that you are in a monogamous relationship.

In other words, you are completely committed to one another. In this situation, you are solely focused on one another. You are not “dating” anyone else. In the majority of cases, couples that are in a serious, committed relationship are interested in a possible future together (i.e. marriage, children and/or a long-term romantic partnership). It is important to note that both types of relationships have their advantages and disadvantages. No relationship is “better” than the other. What really matters is what type of relationship is best for you.

If you are wondering if there really is a difference between casual dating and a committed relationship – you have come to the right place. This blog will help you determine if you are ready to take the next step in your relationship.

• “Seriousness” of the Relationship

In order to be in a committed relationship, both you and your partner need to agree to be “serious” with one another. In other others, you need to invest your time, energy, love, support and affection towards your partner. When you enter into a serious, committed relationship, your main goal is to develop a strong foundation that will last throughout time. A committed couple trusts, respects, loves, supports, values and uplifts one another. This couple communicates and sees each other on a regular basis. They are also heavily involved in each other’s lives.

For instance, a couple in a serious relationship knows each other’s friends, relatives, preferences, “hang out” locations, “likes and dislikes,” work location, hobbies, etc. Even if they have never met their partner’s friends and/or family, they still feel like they know them, due to hearing stories about them. It is also not uncommon to have met each other’s parents and/or loved ones. This couple may be working towards a future together (i.e. engagement, marriage and a family). On the other hand, a couple who is “casually dating” may not have as many expectations (i.e. long-term partnership, engagement, marriage and/or a family). In other words, the level of “seriousness” in this type of relationship is low.

In a “casual dating” situation, you may or may not communicate and/or see each other on a daily or weekly basis. In fact, you may only see each other occasionally. In addition, you may not have met each other’s family and/or friends. Moreover, the relationship may consist purely of sex. It is also important to note that there may be feelings of “detachment,” although you may be really good friends. Furthermore, it is not uncommon to start off “casually dating” only to find out that you have more in common then you originally thought. In these situations, “casual dating” often progresses into a committed relationship.

• Monogamy vs. Causal Dating

One of the main differences between a serious, committed relationship and “causal dating” is that individuals in a committed relationship tend to be monogamous. In other words, you do not “date” other people. In a “casual dating” relationship, you are not required to be monogamous. In fact, you can date multiple people, if you so choose or you can just date each other. It is important to note that “casual dating” can lead to unfulfilled romantic feelings. It can also lower your self-esteem, if you are not mentally and emotionally prepared for a “temporary, low-key, non-serious” relationship. In fact, a “casual dating” relationship can actually ruin a good friendship, if one of you wants more, but the other one does not.

Although many enter into a “casual dating” situation lamenting commitments, there is always a possibility that one of the “casual daters” will fall in love and be hurt when the feelings are not returned. In a committed relationship, there is always the risk that you are more invested in the relationship then your partner. If both of you are not 100% committed to the relationship, there is the risk of infidelity and betrayal. There is also the risk of investing trust and love into the relationship later to realize that the two of you are not compatible. In other words, there is always a chance of heartbreak. A broken relationship, regardless of the type, can have detrimental effects on your self-esteem and ability to trust others.

• Emotional and Physical Intimacy

Regardless, of whether you are in a committed relationship or a “casual dating” relationship, there is a good chance you are or will be having sex. The primary difference between these two types of relationships is that “casual daters” can have sex with multiple people without “cheating” on anyone. In other words, you are not required to be “faithful” to one person. In a committed relationship, you both agree to restrict your sexual relations with other people. In other words, you are not allowed to participate in sexual activities with other people. In most cases, there is a deeper sexual and emotional connection in relationships, in which both partners are committed to one another.


Casual Vs Serious Relationship Reddit

Trust, love and respect tend to be stronger in committed relationships. Why? Well in a committed relationship both individuals are 100% invested in the relationship. In other words, you are looking to build a foundation with you partner that could possible lead to a long-term relationship (i.e. marriage and/or a family). You care about each other’s feelings, both in bed and out of it. Moreover, in most cases, you are in love or on their way to being “in love.” You care for one another deeply. Furthermore, you are able to experience both emotional and sexual satisfaction because you know that your love affair is not fleeting and that you can depend on each other through both good and bad.

“Casual daters” often want to have “fun” and date around. They are not interested in being “tied down” to one person indefinitely. This type of dating situation provides you with an opportunity to “hang out,” go places and have fun with other couples, without the restrictions and obligations associated with a committed relationship. In addition, “casual daters” tend to be younger individuals (i.e. older teens and young adults), while those in a long-term committed relationship tend to be older and more experienced in life and relationships. It is important to note that younger individuals can also be in successful committed relationships and older individuals can also be in successful “casual dating” relationships. Couples in a committed relationship tend to be more focused on building a life together. They are typically focused on learning more about each other.

Staff Writer:
Dr. R. Y. Langham

Grohol, J. M. (2014). Friends with benefits. Psych Central. Retrieved from

Casual To Serious Relationship Reddit

Williams, A. (2005). Casual relationships, yes. Casual sex, not really. The New York Times. Retrieved from

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If things seem to be going well with someone you just started dating, you might begin to wonder if they're truly interested in a long-term relationship. It's common to speculate, and search for signs they're as happy and interested in commitment as you are. But even though it may be awkward, it's almost always better to skip all that and simply ask.

'You don’t want to fall for a person who doesn’t share your goals,' Jonathan Bennett, relationship and dating expert at Double Trust Dating, tells Bustle. 'Knowing the truth quickly will allow you to find and date different people who want a long-term relationship.' There are, however, a few early signs and signals to watch out for that may mean this person is thinking long-term — even if you haven't had that chat yet.

Once you notice these signs, it should give you the confidence to talk about the future. 'If you think the person is interested in commitment and you have that same goal, I would advise working to move the relationship in a more committed direction,' Bennett says. 'Be intentional about having important conversations, like defining the relationship and establishing some degree of exclusivity.' That way, you can both be on the same page — no speculation required. Here, a few ways to tell if someone might be interested in a long-term relationship, according to experts.

If your new love interest seems like they might be interested in something long-term, you very well may be right — especially if they have a history of commitment.

'Past behavior is the biggest predictor of future behavior,' Bennett says. 'If the person you’re dating has typically pursued long-lasting relationships, it’s a very good sign [they] will want to get into another one.'

If you've only been on a few dates, and they've already asked about your dating history, that's another good sign. 'A date who is interested in your past relationships is looking for clues about whether you are interested in commitment,' psychotherapist Tina B. Tessina, LMFT, PhD, tells Bustle. If it seems like you're both interested in each other, take this is your cue to open up and admit it.

Keep your ears open for subtle talk about the future, as it can reveal a lot about where your date's mind may be. 'If someone frequently brings up goals associated with long-term relationships early in the relationship, it’s a good sign that [they are] interested in having one,' Bennett says. 'This could be generally mentioning marriage, sharing a house, or even wanting children.' Even if you haven't talked about how these topics apply to your lives, it's still a good sign.

You might notice that this person seems to be taking tiny steps in the direction of commitment. 'These could be cutting off contact with other dates, asking to be exclusive, saying 'I love you' in a reasonable amount of time, and so on,' Bennett says.

There may even be smaller signs of commitment, such as leaving a few belongings at your apartment, wanting to meet your friends, etc. If you notice things like this, it may be the perfect time to chat about the future.

Things are likely going well if you're both making the relationship a priority. You might notice, for example, that they 'follow up with you and ... call back when they say they will,' Alisha Powell, PhD, LCSW, an individual and couples therapist, tells Bustle. 'They’ll be intentional and reach out to you — even if it’s for a few minutes.'

When someone's interested in a serious relationship, they won't disappear for days on end, let texts go unanswered, or fail to return phone calls — like less serious folks are wont to do. If this relationship is going somewhere, you'll both be enjoying each other's company way too much for these types of games.

If someone's just looking for a casual fling, they won't be as likely to open up about their past, talk about their worries, or reveal any secrets. So if the person you are dating starts to open up, take note.

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'While they may be reserved, someone who is serious about you will let you know about their life and about some of their experiences,' Dr. Powell says. 'They’ll be willing to talk about their childhood and goals for the future.' This is a sign that they're comfortable, and looking to create a genuine bond.

Speaking of bonds, someone who is thinking long-term may be more likely to plan meaningful dates — especially ones that get you both out of your comfort zones.

'If your date is inviting you to do interesting things, that’s a sign [they want] to cultivate the relationship and move forward toward commitment,' Dr. Tessina says. 'They’re looking for compatibility.'

The same is true, though, even if you go on casual dates, or simply hang out at home. It's all about that quality time, and getting to know each other.

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'If someone can visualize a long-term relationship with you, they'll probably want to introduce you to their friends pretty quickly,' Amica Graber, a relationship expert for the background checking site TruthFinder, tells Bustle. 'Likewise, someone interested in a serious relationship will express interest in meeting your friends and family, too.'

This is less likely to happen when someone who isn't interested in commitment. Once you start meshing social circles, it really does take things to the next level.

If you already have weekend plans for two months down the line, that's a surefire sign. 'If they're happy to start making plans in the future, like a concert that's a few months away ... they're definitely thinking about a long-term relationship,' Graber says. 'Even if the details aren't mapped out, including you on future plans is a positive sign.'

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Casual To Serious Relationship Reddit

It's one thing to go on a fun date and have a good time. But if your new partner wants to turn it into a 'tradition,' that's something else entirely.

'Maybe its your first holiday together and you go to a particular party, or you have a certain meal,' Joshua Klapow, PhD, clinical psychologist and host of The Kurre and Klapow Show, tells Bustle. If they talk about doing it again, it's clear they're not only valuing your time spent together, but also looking towards the future.

If you're hanging out with someone casually, it won't really matter if you 'get' each other, or if you communicate effectively. But if you're planning on spending a lot of time together — AKA, making a commitment and dating long-term — things like this will matter.

That's why, if the person you're dating is focused on 'how you argue, how you make decisions together, and how you resolve problems and conflicts,' it may be a sign they're interested in sticking together, Dr. Klapow says.

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Of course, the only way to know for sure is to ask. If you're feelin' the relationship and would like to see it go somewhere, let your new partner know. Once you both open up and talk about your feelings, you'll no longer have to guess, and will officially be able to fully commit.